Our offer to players and assistants

With 25 years of experience we uphold our reputation.

25 years of watching players, talking, questioning, working together and empathizing. That counts! Our strong qualities are not only our knowledge and experience, but also our human qualities to listen, to understand, to work together in a positive way to resolve problems constructively. Your goal is our goal!


Prosnooker have always provided a  wide range of tools to help players. A check-up and thorough evaluation, informational sessions for free or on a training day, by phone or throuogh our Prosnooker team ... Plenty of opportunities to gather in full mutual trust.  And we are still doing so for we believe our service to the public matters.


And whether you're just starting or already playing for  years, Prosnooker tackle each problem. High expectations are not our goal. Instead we adjust  and hold respect high. We do not put any pressure on you. If you are willing to invest some of your time and focus, we gladly help you in achieving your goals.  This is the same for assistants (coaches).  No problem!

In the past Prosnooker has stretched out a helping hand to tutors/coaches, and will actively continue to do so. We know how protected the coaching business is. But we do not participate this way of thinking. We do not withhold in sharing information, knowledge and clearing things out. With an attitude that we are all still learning every day, we also want to help you whenever we can.

Would you like to receive more information? Contact us via through the website and clarify where your interests lie. One mail can change your life!