Gripping the cue

There are
many different grips to hold the cue. What remains important is the aspect of feeling the cue in your hand.
The standard grip is a hand that is enclosing the cue as if you were holding a hammer. The fingers are surrounding the cue so that the inner side of the hand is feeling the cue. By closing the hand you notice the knuckels aside of the hand the knuckles are in line with the cue. Position of the wrist well be above the cue. But this is all standard.
synchronisity is failing doesn’t mean everything is doomed to fail. You can cue perfectly well with a hand that is not gripping the cue entirely.
In our grip the
emphasis is on the first 2 fingers (thumb and index finger). They both are surrounding the cue entirely and usually touch one another underneath. When they do not touch one another the
accent of the grip is a bit more shifted to the index finger. And when both thumb and index finger are aside the cue without actually gripping the cue, the emphasis of the grip is situated near
the other 3 fingers. But when doing so the knuckels are not in line any more with the cue. Is this bad? It is not standard, but we notice that lots of players are using this grip. But comparing
to professionals this is not custom.
While performing
a swing with each movement backwards these 3 fingers should loosen grip a bit. Moving forward they are gripping the cue again. Overgripping the cue too harshly while backswinging will create
tension in the wrist area, shorten the length of the cue action and sometimes causing the cue to go upwards too much.