Structure FSF

The FSF (Flemish Snooker Federation) is to be considered a non-profit association. It has been founded in 1997 when decided through the BBSA (Belgian Billiards and Snooker Association) to create a Flemish and French speaking division. For years now it has been recognized officially as a sports federation through Bloso and the Flemish Government.
The structure within the Flemish part of FSF is further subdivided on a provincial level. We have Antwerp, Limburg, East-Flanders, Brabant and West-Flanders.
FSF is meeting high standards set out for companies; referring to General Meeting, Board of Directors and Board of Executives. All provinces are committed and share an equal approach with regard to organization, finances and regularization dictated by the Flemish Government. Because of this FSF are receiving funds.
Snooker is known to be a very exciting and stimulating sport for the mind. It intrigues both common people as well as professional players on a daily base. Furthermore a game of snooker is very pleasant to watch.
As a non-physical sport it is within few sports that has got the most viewers throughout the world. It’s charm and comforting character reaches the hearts of many people.
That is why VSF mission is to attract as many people possible in the Flemish part and the region of Brussels to participate playing the game of snooker, recreational as well as competitively.
Snooker needs to be presented to the public efficiently, while youngsters and talented players need to be taken care of professionally and offered chances to extend their qualities.